Arthur stared into his beer.
"Did I do anything wrong today," he said, "or has the world always been like this and I've been too wrapped up in myself to notice?"
"All right," said Ford, "I'll try to explain. How long have we known each other?"
"How long?" Arthur thought. "Er, about five years, maybe six," he said. "Most of it seemed to make some kind of sense at the time."
"All right," said Ford. "How would you react if I said that I'm not from Guildford after all, but from a small planet somewhere in the vicinity of Betelgeuse?"
Arthur shrugged in a so-so sort of way.
"I don't know," he said, taking a pull of beer. "Why, do you think it's the sort of thing you're likely to say?"
Ford gave up. It really wasn't worth bothering at the moment, with the world being about to end. He just said, "Drink up."
He added, perfectly factually, "The world's about to end."
Arthur gave the rest of the pub another wan smile. The rest of the pub frowned at him. A man waved at him to stop smiling at them and mind his own business.
"This must be Thursday," said Arthur to himself, sinking low over his beer. "I never could get the hang of Thursdays."
Tedy čtvrtek. Nehledě na to, kde se ve vesmíru nacházíte, můžete vždycky dostat chuť na čaj nebo dávku anglického suchovtipu. Klasická kniha, ze které vychází velká spousta jiných knih, taky seriálů a filmů, která vysvětlí původ přezdívek průkopníků internetu u nás a zodpoví vám všechny otázky po smyslu života a existence. Koupila jsem ji v létě, lehce přiotrávená vší těžkou a zodpovědnou literaturou, abych se trochu vzpružila a osvěžila. Funguje to moc dobře, i teď v zimě.
1 komentářů:
Mám první české vydání (v edici "Poblitá hlava"), koupené 6. 12. 1991. Och, jak je krásná česká transkripce!
A připadá mi, že (v druhém dílu) "We had the most incredible time" přeložené jako "Měli jsme se jako Pánbů ve Frankrajchu" je snad ještě lepší než originál.