čtvrtek 14. dubna 2011

David Chang, Peter Meehan - Momofuku

I remember walking through the Greenmarket one day after we opened and thinking, "What the fuck would I do with Brussels sprouts?" We weren't busy then and we weren't working with much market produce.
Months later, when Brussels sprouts came back into season, we were letting the Greenmarket dictate a portion of our menu. I took their reappearance as sort of a challenge - we did stuff with almost everything that has a big season near us, so what would we do with Brussels sprouts? How were we gonna get people to eat Brussels sprouts without using bacon and chestnuts, like every other New American market-driven restaurant in the city?
They're just cabbages, I told myself. Being Korean, I thought, "Let's make kimchi out of them." That didn't work out so well. The centers were hard and raw when we tried pickling them whole, and shredding and pickling the sprouts just made for a soggy mess. So I knew we'd have to create a dish around them.
I didn't take me long to come around to the bacon thing - I usually do. We decided to roast them off - I love the dark sweetness and faint bitterness of well-charred Brussels sprouts - and toss them in some pureed kimchi, like a sauce, because Brussels sprouts, stinky little fuckers that they are, take really well to the funkiness of kimchi. Added in some bacon, 'cause bacon and Brussels sprouts just go together. It was good, but it looked not good. So we put a big bright pile of julienned carrots on top to give it some color, and away we went.

První kuchařka! :)
Omlouvá mě dlouhý den? Neomlouvá. Ale tahle kuchařka je víc deník o cestě k vlastní restauraci, než kniha receptů. David Chang musí být v reálu nesnesitelný, ale jeho zaujetí je mimořádné a spolu s druhým autorem ho dokázali přesvědčivě popsat, přičemž zachovali zřejmě Changův specifický vyjadřovací styl (ukázka). Spousta receptů trvá tři dny a nemáte-li rádi vepřové sádlo a kvašené okurky, nebudete moct vyzkoušet ani polovinu, zároveň je to skvělá výzva a mě osobně baví pouštět se do Changových troufalostí. Ať žije slanina!

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