neděle 17. dubna 2011

Jennifer Egan - A Visit from the Goon Squad

"Look," Charlie tells Rolph, over the music. "The bird-watchers are watching us."
Mildred and Fiona are sitting on chairs beside the dance floor, waving at Rolph and Charlie in their long print dresses. It's the first time the children have seen them without binoculars.
"I guess they're too old to dance," Rolph says.
"Or maybe we remind them of birds," Charlie says.
"Or maybe when there are no birds, they watch people," Rolph says.
"Come on, Rolphus," Charlie says. "Dance with me."
She takes hold of his hands. As they move together, Rolph feels his self-consciousness miraculously fade, as if he is growing up right there on the dance floor, becoming a boy who dances with girls like his sister. Charlie feels it, too. In fact, this particular memory is one she'll return to again and again, for the rest of her life, long after Rolph has shot himself in the head in their father's house at twenty-eight: her brother as a boy, hair slicked flat, eyes sparkling, shyly learning to dance. But the woman who remembers won't be Charlie; after Rolph dies, she'll revert to her real name - Charlene - unlatching herself forever from the girl who dances with her brother in Africa. Charlene will cut her hair short and go to law school. When she gives birth to a son she'll want to name him Rolph, but her parents will still be too shattered. So she'll call him that privately, just in her mind, and years later, she'll stand with her mother among a crowd of cheering parents beside a field, watching him play, a dreamy look on his face as he glances at the sky.
"Charlie!" Rolph says. "Guess what I just figured out."
Charlie leans toward her brother, who is grinning with his news. He cups both hands into her hair to be heard above the thudding beat. His warm, sweet breath fills her ear.
"I don't think those ladies were ever watching birds," Rolph says.

Překvapení. Takhle kniha je vystavěná na zvláštním principu - představte si situaci, kdy postava v knize zmíní nějakou situaci z minulosti a vy si říkáte - to by mě zajímalo, jak to tehdy bylo. Otočíte stránku a další kapitola je přesně o tom. Nevím, jako to Jennifer Egan udělala, ale ve většině případů jsem poznala, který detail je ten správný, o čem bude následující kapitola. Vyprávění je meandrovité a přeskakuje v čase, ale je to v tomhle případě k prospěchu věci. Uvěřitelné, lidské a živé postavy (klišé, žejo, ale ještě jsem ho snad na tomhle blogu nenapsala, tak by vás teď mohlo spíš nalákat), a nejlépe si místy melancholickou náladu knihy myslím užijí ti, kteří hrají/hráli v kapele. Zkuste to.
Jeden obraz z knihy (mám to sem psát?) se mi v obměnách vybavoval několik dní, něco takového bych si přála někdy vymyslet.

1 komentářů:

Ofelie řekl(a)...

Teď se dívám, že dostala Pulitzerovu cenu za 2011. Tak ji třeba brzy vydají i česky. Je totiž opravdu skvělá.
