pátek 14. ledna 2011

Alice Munro - Runaway

Clark had fights not just with the people he owed money to. His friendliness, compelling at first, could suddenly turn sour. There were places he would not go into, where he always made Carla go, because of some row. The drugstore was one such place. An old woman had pushed in front of him - that is, she had gone to get something she'd forgotten and come back an pushed in front, rather than going to the end of the line, and he had complained, and the cashier had said to him, "She has emphysema," and Clark had said, "Is that so? I have piles, myself," and the manager had been summoned, to say that was uncalled-for. And in the coffee shop out on the highway the advertised breakfast discount had not been allowed, because it was past eleven o'clock in the morning, and Clark had argued and then dropped his takeout cup of coffee on the floor - just missing, so they said, a child in its stroller. He said the child was half a mile away and he dropped the cup because no cuff had been provided. They said he had not asked for a cuff. He said he shouldn't have had to ask.

Zpoždění! Přesouvala jsem se totiž do Čech a nestihla. Zítra napíšu knížky dvě a pak už to zase bude souhlasit. Alespoň je dnes lehký výběr, tuhle jsem dočetla v letadle. Alice píše o útěku z různých stran a svoje příběhy pečlivě buduje, každý detail má svoje místo (a přitom to není kostrbaté); je to jedna z těch vypravěček, která postupně vyvolává větší a větší úzkost popisem zdánlivě banálních situací.. Posuďte sami.
Zítra určitě česky. Ale dnes to jinak nešlo, nemohla jsem v té cizí zemi vydržet už ani minutu. Runaway.

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Ofelie řekl(a)...

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